The Mystery Spotcast: A Supernatural Rewatch

Hibachi Style Demon: Ep. 29

Episode Summary

Join Klaudia and Ollie where they attempt to recap the Supernatural season 3 premiere, "The Magnificent Seven," and S3E2: "The Kids Are Alright."

Episode Notes

Join Klaudia and Ollie where they attempt to recap the Supernatural season 3 premiere, "The Magnificent Seven," and S3E2: "The Kids Are Alright."

Points of Interest: Bobby will save you from a sea of flop, Dean as Raymond from Animal Crossing, demons in Ethel Cain’s house in Nebraska, the hunter rumor mill, Jo’s Burn Book, union busters Crowley and Rowena, Bobby reads the classics, a family that slays together stays together, Cas’ absent father era, and Dean’s character journey vs. Sam’s no good very bad day.


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